Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And Away I Go...

I leave on Friday... FRIDAY... It's Tuesday today, Tuesday night to be exact.  This leaves me 2 and a half days before I leave, 2 more nights in my bed, and one last full day at home.  Am I packed? No. Do I have everything? Dear God I hope so. Am I ready? Well, that's a complex question... I think I have everything, so in that sense I'm ready. Emotionally though? I'd have to say I'm getting there.  At least I can say that my tearful panic attacks have subsided... Now I feel more confident that I won't perish in a fiery plane crash, and I feel that I can handle several plane rides and layovers... But saying goodbye to everything familiar?  Saying goodbye to parents, sisters, and animals?  That I'm not sure I'm ready for.  

Can you blame me though? I mean, I'm about to experience several new things: traveling by myself, traveling internationally (Canada doesn't count), going to a country where the primary language is not English, and if that's not enough, I haven't the slightest clue as to how to speak Hungarian! Did I mention that Hungarian is one of the hardest languages to learn?  I know two words: koszonom (thank you) and egeszsegere (the Hungarian variant of cheers, literal translation: to your health). Although I know these words, I can barely pronounce them.

I have to admit, I am ready for one thing: Adventure.  I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am to do something new and completely out of my comfort zone.  I don't want to be content with where I am, I want more.  I want to see what this world has to offer, and what better place to start than in Hungary? So ready or not (most likely not) here I go.


  1. Parents, sisters, boyfriend, animals. YOU PUT BAYLEE BEFORE ALYSSA AND ME?!?

  2. gesundheit (I thinked you sneezed earlier in your blog)...egeszsegere

  3. It's pronounced "Egg and sugar drive," Alyssa.

  4. where does it state missing your neighbor??
